Here Are Some of our Highlights . . .
Grant Approved by Japanese Embassy in Zambia
After reviewing numerous grassroots proposals from local organizations, The Japanese Embassy of Zambia has approved the OZ Project proposal to build a new school and have acknowledged the high impact that it will make on the community. Some of the features of the building include 8 classrooms, a full kitchen, cafeteria, conference room, and office space for the administration. Approximately 200 orphans will be impacted by this great opportunity.
New Qualified Staff Hired For Orphans School
A new qualified teaching staff has been hired to improve the quality of education we offer to the orphans and vulnerable children in 3 different communities. This is currently the most valuable investment as they are the ones who can most improve the children’s circumstances through education. In addition, we are providing weekly staff development meetings, trainings and workshops to further develop their teaching skills and approaches.
OZ on TV in Zambia
We have raised local awareness of the schools’ success in the lives of our children through the media. OZ debuted several times on Muvi TV, a youth TV channel in Lusaka, to show how the M2L is providing orphans and vulnerable children with a free education, and is also catering to their personal and physical needs.
Stronger Partnerships to Impact OZ
We have established new rapport with local organizations on the ground in Zambia. World Vision generously donated clothes, shoes and school supplies to all our children. Villages of Hope graciously donated over 500 reading books in addition to numerous teaching supplies for our school.
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