Invitation from Father Abraham

Dear Missionary,

At some point in your life, you may realise that there is more to life than what you are currently doing. You may ask yourself who you really are and what is missing. Some people climb mountains, take long journeys to discover themselves but the only One that has the answer is God Himself.

There are no quick fixes or easy solutions but I invite to come on a short-term mission trip and return back to who you were meant to be like Him.

Every day you will …

Spend time with God, learning and growing closer to His image.

Serve others as Jesus Christ Himself came to seek and save the lost.

Touch Jesus when you touch the broken and vulnerable when you visit the orphan schools and prisons.

Your mission trip to Zambia is the first step back to God’s original design and plan for you. I pray you take that step today.

You will not regret this decision to come, but you might regret not coming. Don’t let money or busyness be the obstacle. It is more than worth it. We look forward to seeing who you will become!


Fr. Abraham Fam

It is time to Return Back to His image again
Genesis 1:27 – “So God created man in His own image”