Moment of Joy…

A friend asked me what was the one thing so far that touched me within the month that I have been here. I spoke about a young gentleman Bornface, who went to another crowded school before he came to ours (approx. 90 children in one classroom). Year after year the teachers at that school passed him regardless of his grades. He failed his grade 7 exams at least twice. When he came to St. Abanoub this year, I realized he didn’t know how to read and did not know most of the sounds that each letter made. As a result, he had difficulty keeping up with his peers in grade 7. He was often teased and humiliated in class. After only 4 lessons of extra help, I witnessed a moment of true joy in the IMG_7937once broken child. He read his very first word! You should have seen his smile and the look of hope in his eyes. How much can a life of a child be changed by giving them the gift of reading and planting hope in their hearts.
– Teacher Trainer Nermine